Saturday, June 4, 2011

Unemployed JDs: There's a lot You Could be Doing Right Now

Are recent 4th-tier JDs too lazy or too proud to do DUI work?

As local economies suffer, DUI cases are booming. 
And it's not just DUI work you could do, which bloggers have pointed out pays thousands of dollar for easy work. There are innumerable other fields to pursue. Landlord/tenant, bankruptcy, family law, police brutality, trademark, geriatric, consumer advocacy, dog bite, the list goes on an on. There are even people out there with money who actually want an attorney for minor traffic offenses! It is of course unnecessary, but if the client wants to spend the money they are entitled to have legal representation. I read very recently that there is even a booming legal industry surrounding delinquent student loan collections. Many of you could participate in that.

A Booming Legal Industry You Never Knew Existed

The point is there is tons of legal work out there for the go getters. The DUI angle she mentioned is obviously a good idea, and it is just one of the innumerable angles one could pursue. And it isn't bust a gut laughable. Suing your l.s. for a measly $14k? Now that's funny. If you don't think it's funny, wait till the tv comics get news of this.

Next thing a scamblogger is going to say that we have all the sudden become such a friendly non-litigious society, that doesn't need lawyers! Get real.

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