Friday, June 17, 2011

Scam-blogger Attitude Caught on Tape!

"Do You Know How Well Educated I Am?"

She told the conductor:
"I was not cursing, excuse me, do you know what schools I've been to?
"I'm sorry, do you think I'm a little hoodlum?
"From my mouth? Excuse me? Do you know how well-educated I am?
"Stop the train, stop the train.
"No do not tell me to go to customer service. I am not a crazy person. I am a very well-educated person."
The woman got more and more upset before storming off. A minute later, there was an announcement asking all passengers not to use profanity on the train, "especially those people who went to Harvard or Yale or are from Westport."
UPDATE: The indignant woman is Hermon Raju, according to Dealbreaker. She was recently a graduate intern at BNP Paribas, according to her LinkedIn profile. She has an undergrad degree in politics from NYU and a graduate degree in finance and marketing from NYU.

 "I'm not a crazy person."

Recent Grad Hermon Raju has been caught using her NYU diploma to pull rank on a remarkably polite train conductor.

Not only are her spoken works egregious, but she also initiates offensive physical contact, a common law battery. Since the victim was a train conductor this has to be a felony of some sort. This escalated the matter to a whole new level. Occasional verbal disagreements are unfortunately bound to happen when people are forced to share space, however why is it typically the person touting how educated and superior they are who has to make an unpleasant situation into a cringe worthy spectacle, not to mention a potentially dangerous felony. Oh yes stop the train and inconvenience hundreds of people because I am so educated and important. Oh and I deserve a job too, because I am educated. She also demanded a refund. It remains to be seen whether she will also demand a refund from her graduate school. Isn't what Hermon Raju did the same as what law school "scam bloggers" are doing? That is, flashing their educations and expecting people to cower at their prestige. Demanding that the train of the legal profession be stopped, inconveniencing all the riders / successful lawyers, because they fucked up / didn't read the terms when they bought their tickets. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Third-Tier Graduate Carson Block is making a Fortune

At Young&Rich, JD we don't use the word FORTUNE lightly. We are not talking about scoring a $160k job, we are not talking about paying off your $200k student loans. Those numbers are peanuts by comparison. We are talking about a TTT graduate who is making $500+ MILLION dollar waves in the world of finance.

How'd he do it? Graduated near the top of his TTT. Took an overseas assignment. Made prudent financial decisions. Did work that other people didn't think to do or were not willing to do. The epitome of American entrepreneurial spirit. Here's a big congratulations from Young&Rich, JD. Carson Block you dooz it large.

From TTT (third-tier toilet) to Paying Cash for an Island?

Carson Block shortly after graduating.
Third-tier just can't hold some people down. 


Meet The Guy Who May Have Just Earned $500 Million Trading Against John Paulson

His name is Carson C. Block, and he may just cost hedge fund legend John Paulson $500 million.
Block is the founder and research director of Muddy Waters Research, a firm that says it "sees through appearances to a Chinese company’s true worth."
doing business
Unfortunately for John Paulson, Block saw through to what he thinks is Sino-Forest's true worth, and in releasing his damning report on the Chinese forest operator, sent the stock-price plummeting.
Paulson and Co. is Sino-Forest's largest shareholder, with 34.7 million shares. At least he was at the time of his 13-F filed on April 29. It's conceivable he's sold since then and before this incident. We also don't know how he's hedged, so it's possible his losses aren't quite so severe..
The stock opened at $18 yesterday, and nosedived to under $2.50 after the report -- which compared Sino-Forest to the Madoff Ponzi Scheme -- made the rounds.
So who is Carson Block?
Muddy Waters describes the 34-year-old as "an entrepreneur who’s practiced law and pioneered an industry in China."
Image: Amazon
He founded a company called Love Box Self Storage, "a near luxury service for high income Chinese consumers", according to CNBC, and helped author "Doing Business In China For Dummies."
Prior to his entrepreneur days, he was an attorney for Jones Day in Shanghai, where he acted primarily for foreign clients involved in direct investment and M&A in China.
He speaks Mandarin, and after practicing as a lawyer for one year (he said originally he thought he'd never practice after law school), he switched into research for hedge funds and for his father, who's an investor, Barrons reported earlier this year.
He's also an adjunct professor of the Chicago-Kent College of Law, where he graduated with a JD, and teaches an overseas program in Shanghai for the school.
Read more:

Saturday, June 4, 2011

We Want You!

Are you a Young and Rich JD? Are you a poor and broke JD? Are you making it? Have you already made it? Are you going to make it? Are you never going to make it? Do you not even know what "making it" means? Did you overcome your 4th-tier JD to rise to the top? Are you a 1st-tier JD who doesn't think 4th-tiers belong in your stadium breathing your air? Young and Rich, JD wants to hear your stories, funny or serious. For publication in our blog.  Write to us now, in the comments section or at

Unemployed JDs: There's a lot You Could be Doing Right Now

Are recent 4th-tier JDs too lazy or too proud to do DUI work?

As local economies suffer, DUI cases are booming. 
And it's not just DUI work you could do, which bloggers have pointed out pays thousands of dollar for easy work. There are innumerable other fields to pursue. Landlord/tenant, bankruptcy, family law, police brutality, trademark, geriatric, consumer advocacy, dog bite, the list goes on an on. There are even people out there with money who actually want an attorney for minor traffic offenses! It is of course unnecessary, but if the client wants to spend the money they are entitled to have legal representation. I read very recently that there is even a booming legal industry surrounding delinquent student loan collections. Many of you could participate in that.

A Booming Legal Industry You Never Knew Existed

The point is there is tons of legal work out there for the go getters. The DUI angle she mentioned is obviously a good idea, and it is just one of the innumerable angles one could pursue. And it isn't bust a gut laughable. Suing your l.s. for a measly $14k? Now that's funny. If you don't think it's funny, wait till the tv comics get news of this.

Next thing a scamblogger is going to say that we have all the sudden become such a friendly non-litigious society, that doesn't need lawyers! Get real.

Recent 4th-Tier JD Makes it Big

4th-Tier JD Well on his way to swimming in it. "It takes gumption."
True story. I was top 10% and law review at a 3rd tier. So I had a couple of earned selling points I'll admit. But a close friend of mine had NOTHING. He graduated FOURTH TIER at the BOTTOM of the class. Yeah, not only was he at a bottom of the fourth-tier ls, he was at the bottom of the class at the bottom of the fourth tier ls! During LS when he asked me to look at some of his writing. It was so bad I didn't know how to begin to help. I wondered if he could make it. He barely graduated, but he did graduate, class of '09. Is he at home moping and blaming others? No, less than 2 years after graduating he bought himself a beamer (albeit a used one) and has some money to share with his destitute father. How? He knew he didn't have a chance in hell at getting into a big firm. So he got out there and worked with the small street level PI offices. He joined up and became friends with another younger guy doing the same thing. He's willing to rep less than fabulous clients. He does some billboard advertising in less than choice parts of his city, where he can afford it. It wasn't always easy, there were times he was depressed about the situation, but he got up and did something. In short HE HUSTLED! Now there is nothing to stop him from going all the way to the top. Btw, I have personally met TTT big firm partners, some making $500k+ annually. TTT is not a death sentence people.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Pretty Blonde Sues Law School for Not Finding Her a Job

A pretty young thing with a sense of entitlement sues Law School for not finding her a job.

Shockingly the woman has a lot of support from 
other unemployed law school graduates who 
wish to get money by suing the law school. 

From the ABA Journal:

A woman who says she graduated with honors from Thomas Jefferson School of Law in 2008 and passed the California bar exam but cannot find a decent legal job has sued the institution, contending that she was tricked into attending by employment statistics TJSL provided for the annual U.S. News & World Report law school survey.

Anna Alaburda, who racked up $150,000 in student loans and is now doing document-review work when she can find it, says she decided to attend the law school after reading the magazine's 2003 law school survey, reports the National Law Journal. It stated that 80 percent of the school's graduates were employed.

She "reasonably interpreted these figures to mean that the vast majority of TJLS graduates would find employment as full-time attorneys," the lawsuit states, alleging that "the foregoing statistics were false, misleading, and intentionally designed to deceive all who read them."

Filed by attorney Brian Procel of Miller Barondess, the suit seeks class action status and compensatory damages of $50 million for a claimed class of some 2,300 TJSL attendees.

Beth Kransberger, who serves as the law school's associate dean for student affairs, tells the legal publication there was no misrepresentation and says TJSL followed guidelines set by the American Bar Association when reporting its employment statistics..

"We've always been accurate in what we report, and we've always followed the system given to us by the ABA," she says. "This lawsuit is very much about a larger debate. This is part of the debate about whether it's practical to pursue a graduate degree in these difficult economic times."

Funny on so many levels. 

If you don't think it is funny that J.D.s are blaming their law school for being broke, you have no sense of irony, or are too deep in the mess yourself. Any outsider who reads this is lol.

I hope the TTT and TTTT schools do publish real concrete numbers. Or write a disclaimer on the marketing materials like a cigarette ad. Because that is going to be funny too! Funny as hell. But nope you are not getting that tuition money back!

The Birth of Young&Rich, JD: The Anti-Scamblog

This whole scamblog thing has gone to far and the TJLS lawsuit is the tipping point. Scamblogs have jumped the shark. Responses to my posts on scamblogs have shown that there are many who agree with me. So I'm saying right here to you all that Young & Rich, JD is stating his own blog. It is going to be the anti-scamblog, or the scam-scam-blog or something. Really it's hereby called "Young and Rich, JD." Or YRJD for short. On YRJD the topics will be success stories. How you made it. How you continue to make it. Ideas for what to do ones continuing flow of riches. Inspirational stories. How hard it is to find good staff. Vacation tips. Luxury watch, spa, and car reviews. Basically all things relevant to Young and Rich lawyers. On Young and Rich, JD the people who chime in with a sob story will be the trolls. But they can live vicariously through us. There are dozens of scamblogs but there, but there is only one Young and Rich, JD blog. So make the choice to join me on the ground floor. Submit your story of success today.

Wake up Call to the "scambloggers"

Wake up call to the "scambloggers" - those who seek to blame their law school for not having a job and for not being young and rich. Time for a Reality Check.

Law as practiced by firms is a business, the goal is to make money. Paying some winney jag-off who managed to graduate third tier or lower with a B/C average $100k+ wouldn't be good business now, would it? Not only would it be bad marketing, but the winners in the firm wouldn't feel comfortable being around losers. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but that's the way it is. The amount of financial incompetence among law students is astounding. Did you even try to do any basic math about how much you are spending vs how much you expect to be making? Did you just want the J.D. for the "prestige" without having a clue what your prospects may or may not be? Well you got it, so show your prestigeous JD to the hiring manager at Starbucks...ha. Yeah, the law school painted rosy numbers for employment and salary, so that absolved you of all responsibility to use any common sense whatsoever in choosing your career? Good argument. I noticed that in law school marketing materials the profs all look happy and engaging, the students are gorgeous, and the weather is always freakin perfect. I guess I should sue them for those misrepresentations too. 

The fact is your employment, income, and everything else will be determined by more than any other factor by your attitude. If you have a can do attitude and act accordingly you will be successful. This of course assumes some basic level of general competence, which you may or may not have. If you have a can't do attitude - well maybe you'll be successful at ranting about how much you suck. But I don't know if there is much money in that.